1. There was a time when you loved a product or service so much that you wanted to tell and recommend it to others.

Yes-> 2

No-> 5


2. You know the product/service so well that you can explain the pros and cons of it compared to other products.

Yes-> 3

No-> 5 or 8


3. Film a video (approx. 1 minute) recommending that product/service and send it to the address below.



4. If your video gets selected and gets posted on the website, you will earn $100. If your video doesn’t get selected, no problem! You can always try again!


5. Look at other people’s recommendations. Discover and enjoy!


6. If you like them, buy them.


7. After sufficiently using the purchased product/service, vote whether you’d RAW (Recommend As Well) and leave an honest review to help others who might be interested in buying them.


8. Participate in our community. (Share your list of products which you want to recommend and get advice about products or services you want to buy)


*Good tips on how to get your videos selected

  1. Pick good but not well-known and underrated products or services
  2. Pick products/services from smaller businesses and not from larger businesses
  3. Pick products/services currently being sold


*Important notes if you are filming

  1. Products or services should not be affiliated with you. It shouldn’t be a disguised advertisement, etc.
  2. Mention at the beginning of the video that this recommendation is genuine and is not an advertisement of any sort.
  3. The video should contain below contents.
  • Brief introduction of yourself (age, lifestyle) – this is optional
  • Who would be good targets for the recommended product
  • How long you have used the recommended product for
  • 3 reasons for recommending (it makes my life easier because…, it’s better than products from other brands because…, etc.) 
